YASA is recruiting!

Applications will be accepted until 30 June 2020.

We are looking for members of our Association to serve on the Executive Board. The Executive Board comprises five roles: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Membership Manager, and Social Media Coordinator. All members appointed to the Executive Board should be knowledgeable in the field of YA studies, have sufficient time and ability to undertake the responsibilities required of their role, have strong interpersonal skills, and be committed to the success of the Association. 

An Executive Board member’s general responsibilities include (but are not limited to) growing the reputation and profile of YASA, attending events where it is reasonable for them to do so, and participating in quarterly online Executive Board meetings led by the President. As part of the Executive Board, members should understand the Association’s aims, policies, and needs. 

At this stage, Executive Board members will be appointed for a term of two years, except in the case of President, which Leah Phillips (YASA’s founder) will fill for the next four years (or two terms). At the end of the initial term, membership wide elections will be held to appoint the remainder of the Executive Board. In subsequent years, full elections will be held. YASA’s Constitution includes guidance on serving multiple terms in a role and outlines the process for stepping down (should the need or cause arise). 

See below for specific details regarding the responsibilities of the three available roles. 


  • Collating a monthly YASA Newsletter to be distributed to all members,
  • Recording minutes for Executive Board meetings to be distributed to all Executive Board members,
  • Manage YASA’s incomings and outgoings with accurate account keeping,
  • Be jointly responsible (with the Membership Manager) for the coordination of YASA’s Mentorship Scheme. Mainly, this will involve processing applications from members to be part of the Mentorship Scheme and matching mentees with mentors identified by the President and Vice President.

Membership Manager

  • Cataloguing the YASA membership database,
  • Liaising with new and prospective members,
  • Monitoring annual membership payments (at such time that paid YASA membership is introduced),
  • Be jointly responsible (with the Secretary/Treasurer) for the coordination of YASA’s Mentorship Scheme. Essentially, this will involve processing applications from members to be part of the Mentorship Scheme and matching mentees with mentors identified by the President and Vice President.

Social Media Coordinator

  • Monitoring the YASA Twitter account including responding to or redirecting messages and tweet queries as appropriate,
  • Maintaining YASA’s active Twitter profile by scheduling daily tweets,
  • Generating social media interest surrounding announcements made by YASA about events, schemes, and opportunities. 


We are also looking for members of our Association to become regular contributors to our blog. While we will be seeking guest posts from YASA’s members, Contributors will have regular opportunities for their work to be published online and will have a Contributor Profile on YASA’s platforms. As such, Contributor positions will require you to commit to a set number of pieces per year.

Contributor positions will be appointed by the Executive Board and will run for a term of two years (subject to a Contributor consistently meeting the role’s requirements). Contributor positions will be renewable for one subsequent term, to be agreed by the Contributor and the Executive Board. 

Contributor (Reviews)

  • Six reviews of fictional (500-750 words) or critical (750 – 1000 words) YA texts .

Contributor (Think Pieces) 

  • Four lightly analytical blog posts relating to the field of YA studies (750 – 1000 words).